Thierry Malleret Managing Partner


Thierry Malleret is the founder and managing partner of Monthly Barometer. Its eponymous flagship monthly newsletter is Thierry’s brainchild and the product of his innovative and exacting approach to research and analysis.

Thierry possesses decades of unique professional experience spanning investment banking, as a Chief Economist and Strategist of a major Russian investment bank and as an Economist at the EBRD in London; think tanks and academia in New York and Oxford and government including a three-year spell in the Prime Minister’s office in Paris. At the World Economic Forum in Switzerland, Thierry founded and headed the Global Risk Network and for a number of years was responsible for the programme of the annual meeting at Davos. Until 2011 Thierry was senior partner at IJ Partners, an investment boutique based in Geneva, and prior to that managing partner at Rainbow Insight, an advisory boutique providing tailor-made intelligence to investors which he founded and subsequently sold.


In 2015 Thierry also founded the MB Summit of Minds. A series of high-level meetings that combine hard thinking on major macro issues and the importance of personal wellbeing and the power of nature. Thierry thus achieved a serendipitous coming together of a life-long enthusiasm for the great outdoors and the creation of world class gatherings. Initially in Chamonix, the Summits of Minds now also take place in a variety of international locations. Including in 2019 the Armenian Summit of Minds cost hosted with HE President Armen Sarkissian.


Thierry has many business and academic publications to his name and has published four novels. His latest books, COVID-19: The Great Reset and The Great Narrative: For a Better Future, co-written with Klaus Schwab, has been translated into multiple languages and is an international best seller. Thierry speaks all over the world with leading agencies. He also sits on a variety of advisory boards.

Thierry also published Ten Good Reasons to Go for a Walk with his spouse Mary Anne Malleret in 2017.

Thierry was educated at the Sorbonne and Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris and at St. Antony’s College, Oxford. He holds two MAs (in Economics and History) and a PhD in Economics.